POSTED ON: 02/09/24
On Friday 20th September Twilight Contemporary opens its doors with an exhibition of provocative, unnerving, and amusing work. ‘Food as Origin’ brings together 10 incredibly exciting artists in an eclectic mix of style and medium.  An exhibition showcasing artists from across the UK, all with one grounding focus- an obsession with Food. 

From the Last Supper to Lewis Carrol’s transformative cookie, to The Dinner Party, art’s unison with food has been long, varied, and often provocative.  Cezzane, Monet, Warhol, Frankfurt, and Dali all wrote cookbooks, of sorts. We can’t ignore the effect that the rise of cafe culture in France had, not least on the idea that life, food, and art really might have something to do with each other.  Manet’s painting in 1873, Le Bon Bock, of the owner at The Café Guerbois, certainly can’t go unmentioned, nor can Picasso’s ‘Glass of Absinthe’ from 1914 or Judy Chicago’s seminal sculptural installation The Dinner Party. We must remember both Picasso and Dali made plates and cutlery sets respectively.  Food, art, and life have a long tradition. This exhibition sets out to explore what artists Today are making, and the role food and life play in their work. 

‘Food as Origin’ asks what food’s social function is? Works examine the pivotal role food plays in one’s sense of cultural belonging and identity.  While others explore food as a catalyst for ritual or memory and as a vehicle for unity.

Featuring paintings, sculptures, and the moving image, works will sometimes shock or provoke but at their core, and we as a gallery, ultimately demand one thing: for more seats to be at the table.  At Twilight Contemporary we want to create a space that champions unity and togetherness. ‘Food as Origin’, showcases that.


Opening in the heart of Canonbury on Essex Road, Twilight Contemporary, is a young gallery with a fresh vision. Motivated by two guiding missions: 1. to provide a lasting support network for our artists, particularly our emerging artists, and 2. to re-examine the cube gallery space, in a way that is more inclusive and inviting. 

Twilight Contemporary is a cubed space that doesn’t foster discomfort but instead inquisitive delight. Where everyone is invited. The work of these 10, exciting artists is not to be missed. 

Titled: Food as Origin
Private view: Friday 20th September. 6-9pm.
Open unitil: Saturday 18th October, 11pm.
Opening hours: Mon: 11am - 5:30pm, Tues: 11am - 5:30pm, Wed: 11am - 5:30pm, Thurs: 11am - 11pm, Fri: 11am - 11pm, Sat: 11am - 11pm
378 Essex Road, Canonbury, N1 3HF

Clara Frain-Atallah, Izzie Beirne, Chris Rijk, Sophie Lloyd, Leily Moghtader Mojdehi, Mariette Moor, Daisy Tortuga, Anna Barlow, Lily Hargreaves

Credits: From left to right. Row 1- Clara Frain-Atallah, Lily Hargreaves, Chris Rijk.  Row 2- Anna Barlow, Izzie Beirne, Sophie Lloyd. Row 3- Leily Moghtader Mojdehi, Daisy Tortuga, Mariette Moor
Publicity images and full credit list can be download from our Press Pack.

-For our private view we are joining forces with Clingy Wrap, an artist run ice cream company.
-In the United Kingdom 7.2 million People (2022/23) live in food insecurity.  2% of all art sales will go to Fareshare charity. For 25 years they have been 'tackling hunger, and fighting food waste in the UK.'

Please email: sam.hanson@twilightcontemporary.com
Click the button below to download our press pack. 
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